May 14 of an unnumbered year — welcome to the Western Cessions

Many readers get post-apocalypse confused with dystopian so I put both into one book — Action Figure. Dystopias usually emphasize spying, population control, oppression, a huge difference between the upper classes and the working class with nothing in between, privilege versus desperate struggles in the streets and an urban world of overpopulation.

Post-apocalypse comes when all the spying devices fail, the weather gets really unpleasant (variations — alien invasions, EMP attacks) and the narrative becomes the individual’s struggle to survive a world lacking all those amenities we have come to know and love.

Both have been present in other historical narratives, those being the Spanish conquest of the Americas.

Just finished reading the story of Francisco Orellana’s exploration of the Amazon — he starts from Quito in search of a utopia he has heard of, and ends up in a dystopian world of hunger and desperation. Fascinating reading.



May the 5th, of the numbered year 2018


Ah the future! This was the 1950’s future. So many novels I have read that saw the future as only a few decades away but I guess it’s centuries away. A lot of dystopian novels I read years ago had corporations controlling everything which made it a really bad-ass dystopia but that left me confused. If corporations controlled everything then they had to come up with education, electricity, roads, water, sewage, health care, distribution of food and clothing, etc. Then they wouldn’t be a corporation they would be a government. So the reader, being me, is left wondering and confused and the world-building doesn’t work. Usually the dystopian novels had a big villainous corporation lurking around that did bad stuff but then the writer never made it clear who was supplying the other stuff. So where is the oil and gas coming from and who makes the streetlights work?


Got me.


I decided to stick with bad-government dystopia, it’s just simpler and I don’t think I confused my readers in the 88.3 series.