Hot days and gorgeous clouds over the Missouri River valley, flights of birds heading south. Sandhill cranes, which figure in Lighthouse Island seem to want to take your heart away with them as they head south into Texas, they make the weirdest clattering noises.
Read an article about NASA being bogged down in an impenetrable bureaucracy. All us science-fiction fans hope that they are inventing new ways to build the Moon Station, to ferry explorers to Mars, to land on the moons of Jupiter but alas, it seems that the emphasis is on meetings, on rising up the ladder, being invited to the latest managerial retreat for seminars on How To Manage, on seeing that nothing gets done. It was a depressing article.
I must start in on the long road of advertising Viking Bard. It is such a chore. But I like my Bard and his misadventures, and want more people to get to know him.